Sunday, December 14, 2014


Ok, so I had originally written a long, descriptive email, but it got erased and I tried to get it back, but ya know... these Dominican computers... haha. I tried to copy what I wanted to say this week. So I leave you with a little less, but maybe a little more...

This week has definitely been the most challenging of my mission thus far. But I have learned incredibly much.
When your trainer leaves or you receive a new companion as a missionary, it is kind of like when you first leave home. Your mommy (or in my case, my "mission dad") isn't there for you to ask what to do or where to go, what to teach or what to say. You kind of just have to figure things out for yourself. With my new companion, Elder De Bernardi, the first couple of days were super challenging. A lot of our plans fell through, some things went wrong with our investigators, Etc...
On top of that, my new comp doesn't speak English so it has been a challenge trying to explain every thing I need to and saying it clearly and exactly how I want. When my trainer, Elder Rodriguez left, I literally had the responsibility of Los Cocos in my hands. It is up to me to take care of this area, the members, and the investigators. Also, make sure my new comp gets up to date with everything that is going on here. Not gonna lie, it has been stressful and hard. But as difficult as this past week was, I absolutely loved it because I have learned so much and really grown. I realized how much I really do know. My Spanish is really coming along, and I am able to understand so much better.
We all have challenges, trials, and difficulties in life. Some big, some small (like in my case). Whatever the case, whatever the challenge, there is always a positive. A time to learn. A time to mature. A time to grow. A time to become humble. A time to overcome. A time to gain a new perspective. A time to become stronger. A time to change. And so on. But it is up to us. It is so easy to look at the negatives and ask why. But God puts challenges in our lives, not to punish us, but to give us a chance to learn, grow and become stronger.
It is funny because this whole time, I have been getting humbled by the poverty and living conditions of this country. But this week I learned that there are many ways to be humbled. As I humbled myself and my attitude that was starting to take a turn downward, and humbly turned to the Lord in faith, I received the answers and blessings I needed.
Mosiah 7:33 But if ye will turn to thLord with full purpose of heart, andput your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage.

I testify that if we all humble ourselves and turn to the Lord in faith, he will take care of us.
I am thankful for the challenges in life that make me grow and change for the better.
I love you all and hope we can all see the good in life rather than the... Well, sucky.

Mucho Amor,
Elder Greer

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