wow, it was so good to see my family on Skype this past Sunday!
I first want to give a huge shout out to my cousin and best friend
since birth, Savanna Reilly for getting her mission call to the SANTO
I AM! haha. Unfortunately we will never get to see each other, but we
will both have the opportunity to serve the amazing people of this
country! And it´ll be way fun to talk to each other in Dominican when we
get back! :D
As I got to here the crazy exciting news from her over Skype on Sunday,
I also got to talk to her dad, (my cousin) Russ. Russ gave me some
super good advise, and especially opened my eyes to something I had not
realized. He told me that he reads every email I send home and that they
are great and filled with great experiences and all that, however I
still lack a major thing... Truly loving the people with 100% of my
heart. He reminded me of various experiences I had when I was quick to
judge and wasn't as accepting of the people and there ways like I should
always be. For example, the day of Rosario and Ysidro´s wedding when
our members were super flaky and didn't come to pick us up because they
were "Too busy" playing basketball at the church. "Well," he told me,
"You need to forget about the fact that they were flakes, and be happy
they were even at the church playing basketball in the first place." And
it is so true. How can I say that I truly love these people if I am
judging them and thinking negatively towards them? They could have
totally been somewhere else like a bar, or dirty club, or running away
from bullets flying towards them. I should have been happy that they
were at the church playing basketball rather than those things. Now
obviously they should have helped us and followed through with what they
promised us they would help us with, but it is my job to help them realize that, be an example to them, and love them. Not judge them.
Because who am I to judge another when I have so many flaws myself? It
is all about our perspective, and choosing to be like the natural man
which is to judge, or change ourselves and be like Christ who would love
no matter what, lead by example and do what he can to help the people
repent and become followers of Christ. There are so many people breaking
the law of chastity, not married, not having desire to be married, not
following the commandments, ect... But you know what? I am still going
to love them. They aren't married and don't want to be either? Well, that
saddens me, but I love the fact that they are happy together. Now I will
love them, and do what I can to help them change and live the
commandments of Christ. My point; You cannot truly love the people if
you don't accept them and love every thing about them 100% no matter
what. That doesn't mean I should be happy or accept that they are sinning
and do nothing about it, it means I should love them no matter what and
help them come unto Christ. It reminds me of a quote I once heard in
conference; "Don´t judge me because I sin differently than you." So next
time I am quick to judge, I will tell myself those exact words and
rather than judge like the natural man, I will love like Christ would,
did, and does. I hope you all will try to put that in practice too.
shout out to my wonderful family and I am thankful for the opportunity I
had to talk to them, especially my dad and mom on Mothers Day! Love
Lastly, big shout out to my stud cousin, Sister
Sidney Reilly who just got home TODAY from tearing it up, bringing souls
unto Christ, and serving the Lord in her mission in Indonesia. I love
you and am so proud of all you did, learned, and taught. Those people
you served are forever changed and blessed by your service and the
gospel. You may be way sad that your mission is over, but in reality,
your mission is never really over. There are always people throughout
our lives who need us and the gospel of Jesus Christ. So keep that fire
and keep being Sid the Kid!
Elder Greer
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